I guess I will post my first blog here on newgrounds. I have been coming here on new grounds since 1999 never made an account until 2007. But through out my years of coming to new grounds I liked seeing what people where doing to express things by using flash and art. So I self taught myself to do perspective 3 or 4 years ago. But in 2007 I started to post my artwork on the art forums not looking at my work with great confidence. But I started to get great reviews from the people looking at my work. And I started to draw more and build my self up the confidence to do great things. So as time went I just started to work more and kind of stopped drawing because my work is getting in the way.
But in February I went to visit a college in Florida called Full Sail. And it was an amazing experience for me. I talked to students there and showed them my artwork and they said I really needed to go in to game art ( I was going to go in to Digital Arts and Design) so I talked to the Rep. there and he thought I should Defiantly go in to game arts also. So for 1 and a half months I worked hard to get all my paper work in. and then I got accepted and got all my loans.
But I realized that I wouldn't be here if it where for all the people who thought I made good artwork, I know its not the best out there but you guys supported me all the way. To me that means a lot to me. Because if where not for all of you I wouldn't have done this. And I want to thank Tom for existing and making newgrounds and MindChamber for his support in my art and my future education. And all of the Newgrounds staff and crew that make new grounds flow flawlessly.
This is where my life begins and for now on I will update newgrounds of my progress in school and help the new grounds community as much as I can. I hope my story inspires others to do great in your life because we have a lot of time on this earth but a lot of us choose not to do the greatest things.. But go out there and do something great because if you succeed to your eyes then you never failed. I thank anyone who had read my first blog and I hope they will read the future ones that I put out. Thanks a lot everyone
Good luck with school and good job. Can I see some of you art?